Friday 14 October 2011

Jan Chetna Yatra

Day 03 to Day 04 – Seamless transition through a huge mid-night rally

by admin
As the yatra moves into day 04, the support to it is also growing. Increasingly its becoming clear that the Janchetna yatra led by Sri Advani ji is striking a chord with the people everywhere. The frustration and long-suppressed anger against corruption is coming to the fore and is getting translated into huge spontaneous crowds all the way. People are waiting for hours patiently and showing solidarity with the cause taken up by the Bharatiya Janata Party.
This was all too evident in Satna where more than 50,000 people attended the rally at mid-night and welcomed the yatra.
People are fed-up and are clamouring for a change. The ‘governance deficit’ by the non-performing UPA is all too visible.
Janchetna yatra is sure to awaken people and create a mass movement for clean politics and responsible governance. It sure is a firm step towards fulfilling our collective dream of a corruption free India.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Jan Chetna Yatra

Day 2 : Another successful day – yatra reaches Varanasi

by admin
Yatra concludes its day two at Varanasi. The story of yesterday was more or less repeated today. There were people all along the route from Patna to Arrah and onwards to Buxar.  Right from Danapur, almost all places – Maner, Pitambar nagar, Khayyam nagar saw huge crowds. At the historic Koilwar bridge [known for its connection with Gandhi ji], there were nearly 2-3 thousand people cheering and welcoming the yatra.
At Arrah town, people lined up the street. Beyond Arrah, onwards to Buxar, places like Bibiganj, Semariya, Shahpur, Bihiya, Bharauli, Brahmpur etc saw a large number of  people turning out to greet the yatra.
By the time yatra reached Ramgarh at UP border, it was dark. But the enthusaism of the people gathered did not wane. Hundred of motor-cyclists from Yuva morcha and youth from the public joined the yatra cavalcade on its journey towards Varanasi via Chandauli. Yatra reached late at Mughal sarai after a few smaller public meetings along the way. The sabha at Mughal Sarai was short as it was very late but was well-attended nevertheless.
Yatra resumes tomorrow after the press-conference and Jan sabha at Varanasi.
Oct 12 11

Day 02 – Advani ji calls for a ‘Brighter India’ free of corruption

by admin
The yatra ended day one in Patna where a huge rally was held late last night. Speaking at the Gandhi Maidan rally, Advani ji said that he had not seen such a reception to any of his previous yatras as the one witnessed in Bihar.
At Patna, the yatra’s second day began with Sri Advani ji’s press conference. Yatra proceeded from Patna at around 11 am.
Advani ji blamed the UPA government for its failure in tackling the black money issue. He cautioned UPA and demanded that the government must reveal the names of Indians who have stashed black money in foreign havens. He also said that BJP would force the government to bring back illegal money stashed abroad.
While in Patna, he also gave a call for a “brighter India” free of corruption. He further asked people to take an oath that they would oppose graft and rising prices.
The route from Patna to Arrah saw similar response that yatra received on day 01.  About 4000 people at Maner, nearly 4-5 thousand at Pitamber nagar, about 3000 at the historic Koilwar bridge welcomed the yatra.
When yatra reached Arrah, all streets were lined up by thousands of people welcoming & cheering it. The public rally is underway with nearly 20 thousand people in attendance.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Press Statement by Prakash Javadekar

Press Statement issued by BJP National Spokesperson and MP,
Shri Prakash Javadekar on Wednesday, 12 October, 2011
BJP strongly condemns Congress politics of vindictiveness and its “Emergency Mindset”. A sponsored campaign to file many civil suits against Dr. Subramaniam Swamy at various locations throughout the country is a case in point. The Congress and the Govt’s design seem to be to victimmise and harass Dr. Swamy because of his relentless pursuit in the 2G case. It is only because of his fearless efforts the CBI investigation is being monitored by the SC. Further, SC sought personal affidavit from the PM on Dr. Swamy’s application and in the present matter, SC has reserved its order on culpability of Mr. P. Chidambaram. As Congress cannot fight him legally, is trying to harass him by such antics. BJP do not agree with all the views of Dr. Swamy but we are opposed to such vindictive politics.
Congress and the Govt. do not file and proceed against naked anti-national speeches delivered by Ms. Arundhati Roy and Mr. Gilani in Delhi but chooses to follow up with the cases against every whistleblower.
The emergency mindset is also on display while framing the rules and giving the authority to I&B Ministry even to cancel the licenses of electronic news channels in an effort to gag the press. As the print and electronic media are exposing various scams of the UPA, the Congress wants to take away their freedom by hook or crook.
Even the debate about the proposed Lokpal should be made a constitutional authority or not is also a diversionary tactics adopted by the Congress. The country and the BJP want effective Lokpal Bill by bringing amended bill in the Winter Session of Parliament. The Govt. wants to run away from this commitment and that is why it is raising such diversionary issues.
BJP condemns Congress politics of shirking away from the responsibility and the commitment it has made earlier. Sluggish efforts or no efforts to bring back stashed away Black Money from foreign banks and changing the definition of the poor by filing ridiculous affidavit in an effort to lower the burden of providing food security are all examples of such callous and anti-people politics.
Headquarter Incharge

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Press Statement issued by Shri L.K. Advani

Press Statement issued by Shri L.K. Advani
Patna : October 12, 2011 
India’s Black Money
  • As per the Global Financial Integrity Report (GFI), a respected international think tank in America, from 1948 through 2008 India lost a total of $213 billion illicit financial flows (or illegal capital flight). These illicit financial flows were generally the product of: corruption, bribery and kickbacks, criminal activities, and efforts to shelter  wealth from a country’s tax authorities.

  • Adjusted Estimates: The present value of India’s total illicit financial flows (IFFs) is at least $462 billion. ($1 billion=Rs. 5000 crores) or approximately Rs. 25,000,00 crores! Of all the various estimates going around in the media, this is perhaps the most accurate and scientifically arrived at calculation.

  • This means that almost three-quarters of the illicit assets comprising India’s underground economy-which has been estimated to account for 50 percent of India’s GDP (approximately $ 640 billion at the end of 2008)- ends up outside of the country.

  • Estimates given by Swiss Bank themselves put it at $1.4 trillion with India topping the list, followed by Russia, UK and then China. This amount is about 13 times the entire national debt of India and is increasing every year.

Monday 10 October 2011

Condolence message by BJP National President

L.K. Advani on the eve of Jan Chetna Yatra

Press Statement issued by Chairman, BJP Parliamentary Party Shri L.K. Advani at
New Delhi on the eve of Jan Chetna Yatra on 10.10.2011.
Tomorrow, I start the Jan Chetna Yatra. I shall be travelling across the country in order to educate and mobilize public opinion on the issues of honest politics and good governance.
The mood in India today is one of anger about the quality of politics and the governance.  This anger has arisen on account of the inadequacy of leadership provided by the Central Govt. and the complete decline of ethical politics pursued by the UPA.  This has resulted in a general environment of cynicism affecting the credibility of India’s Parliamentary democracy and the politicians who man it.  As one who has seen and participated actively in all general elections in India and having campaigned on several issues, my forthcoming yatra is intended to campaign on the issues of honest politics and good governance and convert the cynicism into enthusiastic nation building.
I believe that the best for India is yet to come.  Our national potential has remained underutilized.  The Indian society plagued by unsatisfactory politics and governance has not been able to utilize its full potential.  Corruption today is adversely impacting our economy.  The investment climate in the country has been disturbed.  Time has come to raise the bar of accountability so that the systems which are so created act as a deterrent against the corrupt.
Civil Society Organizations in recent times have rendered a great national service by campaigning on the issue of probity.  However, it is the political parties which are the essence and the strength of Parliamentary democracy.  Therefore, I have decided to undertake this Yatra so that politics instead of being discredited should become inspirational for many people who should be attracted to join it.  The best must now get attracted into politics since politics is the most important instrument of decision-making, governance and nation building.
Tackling Corruption
The efforts in the Yatra shall be to campaign pre-dominantly on the issue of corruption.  We must be able to channelize this public anger into a constructive direction and lead to positive solutions.  My party and I stand committed to the creation of an effective Lokpal.  This should be an independent agency appointed by an independent mechanism and empowered to penalize corruption across the country.  The NDA-State Governments have been in the forefront of legislating a law which provides for a citizens charter that makes it mandatory to render public service efficiently and effectively.  Public servants are to be penalized in the event of the default.  Similarly, it is the NDA Governments which have effectively legislated laws relating to confiscation of assets acquired out of corruption.  We believe that no one is entitled to retain the profits of crime. Special courts have been set up in several NDA States to confiscate the assets acquired through acts of corruption.  By this Yatra, we campaign for getting these major steps being replicated at the national level.  We need to ensure that tenders beyond a certain threshold level are subject to mandatory e-tendering.  We need to eliminate discretions and replace them with objectivity in the matter of allotment of governmental largesse.
Judicial reforms are the need of the hour. Judiciary in many cases is the ultimate arbiter of State and public action.  The quality of judiciary must remain uncompromising.  You need men of integrity, stature and quality to enter judiciary institutions.  Judicial reforms must thus be aimed at judicial efficiency, elimination of arrears, and the need to appoint men of the highest level of integrity.  In recent years, disturbing information have appeared in relation to some in the judicial institutions.  The bar of accountability has to be raised.  We have proposed a National Judicial Commission which shall deal with appointment of Judges to the higher judiciary and dealing with cases of complaints against Judges.  The Yatra will endeavor to campaign on this issue.
In the recent past, constitutional amendments have restricted the size of the Council of Ministers in the State.  Defections have been substantially reduced.  The Election Commission has done well to tackle the menace of booth capturing.  However, criminalization of politics and the use of excessive money power in elections still ails our political system.  These two challenges adversely impact the credibility of politics.  Therefore, the need for taking steps in this direction is imminent.  The Yatra will effectively campaign on this issue.
Our revenue and penal laws have been too liberal in tackling the black money.  Black money is present both domestically in land and trade transactions as also stashed in tax havens.  The Govt. of India has been extremely slow in trying to eliminate this menace whereas several countries have been able to pressurize tax havens into making concessions with regard to disclosure of black money.  The Govt. of India has not taken any pro-active steps in this direction.  Estimates about the quantum of black money held in foreign bank accounts vary but the amount is believed to be huge.  The Yatra will actively campaign to pressurize the Govt. to take effective steps to bring back the black money so that it can be used for building national assets.  The names of those holding accounts in tax havens abroad and Swiss Banks should be publicly disclosed.  I have reason to believe that recently disclosures have been made to the Govt. of India with regard to accounts held by Indians in one of the leading Swiss banks. I understand that the Income-tax Department has been asked to quietly deal with this issue and put a lid on the whole matter.  The facts have been held back even from the Enforcement Directorate.  I demand to know whether it is factually correct that the details of the accounts held in one of the Swiss banks have already been provided to the Govt. of India because of the disclosures made by a whistle blower and the names are not being made public to save embarrassment on account of a few selected individuals.

Headquarter Incharge