Friday 14 October 2011

Jan Chetna Yatra

Day 03 to Day 04 – Seamless transition through a huge mid-night rally

by admin
As the yatra moves into day 04, the support to it is also growing. Increasingly its becoming clear that the Janchetna yatra led by Sri Advani ji is striking a chord with the people everywhere. The frustration and long-suppressed anger against corruption is coming to the fore and is getting translated into huge spontaneous crowds all the way. People are waiting for hours patiently and showing solidarity with the cause taken up by the Bharatiya Janata Party.
This was all too evident in Satna where more than 50,000 people attended the rally at mid-night and welcomed the yatra.
People are fed-up and are clamouring for a change. The ‘governance deficit’ by the non-performing UPA is all too visible.
Janchetna yatra is sure to awaken people and create a mass movement for clean politics and responsible governance. It sure is a firm step towards fulfilling our collective dream of a corruption free India.

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