Wednesday 12 October 2011

Press Statement by Prakash Javadekar

Press Statement issued by BJP National Spokesperson and MP,
Shri Prakash Javadekar on Wednesday, 12 October, 2011
BJP strongly condemns Congress politics of vindictiveness and its “Emergency Mindset”. A sponsored campaign to file many civil suits against Dr. Subramaniam Swamy at various locations throughout the country is a case in point. The Congress and the Govt’s design seem to be to victimmise and harass Dr. Swamy because of his relentless pursuit in the 2G case. It is only because of his fearless efforts the CBI investigation is being monitored by the SC. Further, SC sought personal affidavit from the PM on Dr. Swamy’s application and in the present matter, SC has reserved its order on culpability of Mr. P. Chidambaram. As Congress cannot fight him legally, is trying to harass him by such antics. BJP do not agree with all the views of Dr. Swamy but we are opposed to such vindictive politics.
Congress and the Govt. do not file and proceed against naked anti-national speeches delivered by Ms. Arundhati Roy and Mr. Gilani in Delhi but chooses to follow up with the cases against every whistleblower.
The emergency mindset is also on display while framing the rules and giving the authority to I&B Ministry even to cancel the licenses of electronic news channels in an effort to gag the press. As the print and electronic media are exposing various scams of the UPA, the Congress wants to take away their freedom by hook or crook.
Even the debate about the proposed Lokpal should be made a constitutional authority or not is also a diversionary tactics adopted by the Congress. The country and the BJP want effective Lokpal Bill by bringing amended bill in the Winter Session of Parliament. The Govt. wants to run away from this commitment and that is why it is raising such diversionary issues.
BJP condemns Congress politics of shirking away from the responsibility and the commitment it has made earlier. Sluggish efforts or no efforts to bring back stashed away Black Money from foreign banks and changing the definition of the poor by filing ridiculous affidavit in an effort to lower the burden of providing food security are all examples of such callous and anti-people politics.
Headquarter Incharge

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